styczeń 22, 2022

Radom Scientific Society

Scientiae radices amarae, fructus dulces

The main goal of the Radom Scientific Society (Radomskie Towarzystwo Naukowe, RTN) is to stimulate and conduct scientific research on the Radom region as well as to document and promote knowledge about the region. We are involved in regional studies from various perspectives: history, geography, contemporary socio-economic life, development prospects, spatial and transport policy.

The second strategic goal is the comprehensive development of the academic centre and stimulation of scientific activity, especially, but not only, in Radom. We provide constructive advice to public authorities, we participate in social debate, we are present in the media. We take actions to integrate the scientific community. Whenever possible, we support all research and publishing initiatives, in particular those undertaken by members of the Society.

The present Society – established in 1963 – follows the tradition of the Scientific Society (Towarzystwo Naukowe) established in the 1820s at the Radom Voivodeship School (Szkoła Wojewódzka Radomska) on the initiative of its rector, priest Piarist Kazimierz Kłaczyński. We are still guided by the then slogan, taken from the ancient Isocrates: “The roots of knowledge are bitter, but its fruits are sweet.” We also acknowledge the heritage of the Scientific and Social Institute, a unique project undertaken in Radom in 1945 with the participation of the philosopher Tadeusz Kotarbiński and a young scientist Stefan Witkowski, later the first president of RTN.

The members and associates of the Society include both academics and practitioners of other professions. The areas of scientific research or professional work of our members include: philosophy, pedagogy, medicine, law and economics, philology and library studies, mathematics, physics and chemistry, history and archeology, geography, urban planning and architecture, transport, technical sciences, art and musicology. More than 30 members of RTN have habilitation, and almost 40 – doctorate degree. Apart from Radom, affiliations of our researchers are mainly neighboring centers: Kielce, Krakow, Lublin, Łódź and Warsaw.

The publishing record of the Society consists of about 250 publications. Within this, a prominent place hold 97 issues of our journal – “RTN Quarterly Bulletin”, published in the years 1964-2011. In 2022, we initiate publishing a multidisciplinary scientific quarterly in the Open Access formula, in English. The goal is to create a professional journal indexed by recognized reference databases and having an Impact Factor. The scientific scope, including natural and applied sciences, refers to the tradition of Radom science and the research interests of RTN members. The title of the quarterly comes from our motto: “Roots of Knowledge”:

> Scientiae Radices
> Scientiae Radices on Facebook

> Radom Scientific Society on Facebook


Basic data

Legal form: society; registry no. (KRS): 0000025105

Managing Board
Chairman: Łukasz Zaborowski PhD
Co-chairs: Róża Domańska, prof. Radomir Jasiński
Secretary: Marcin Kępa; Treasurer: Mateusz Mąkosa
Board members: Agnieszka Noga-Dąbrowska PhD, Paweł Puton

Audit Committee
Paweł Błach, Mariusz Król, Adrian Szary PhD

Correspondence to:
Rynek 15, 26-600 Radom, Poland